Sri Krishna Janmashtami – a unique birthday celebration in India
The birth of Lord Krishna is widely celebrated in India with great devotion and fervor as Krishna Janmashtami. It is mainly observed on the eighth (Ashtami) day of the Krishna Paksha in the month of Shraavana or dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada which overlaps with August and September according to the Gregorian calendar. This year Krishna Janmashtami will be celebrated on August 24, Saturday. The holy festival of Janmashtami has arrived. Lord Krishna is revered in the entire nation and this festival is gloriously celebrated with bhajans, prayers and dancing in devotion. You must be busy planning as to where you should travel on this auspicious occasion. If you are in South Indi a in this Janmashtami days, then there are few famous Krishna temples which can be a part of your festival celebrations this year. The festival is celebrated in a grand manner all across India, especially Mathura , Vrindavan (...